Start Your Free 12 Week Practice Today

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With over 20 hours of classes, with a new class every week, the program has been thoughtfully created to be accessible to all levels, with the classes building each week - from beginners fundamentals to advanced sequences over the 12 weeks. Whether you’re new to yoga, or if you’re an advanced practitioner, this course has been designed for you to feel empowered, up-skilled and confident in building a strong and dedicated self-practice.

We cover everything from gentle breath and movement meditations through to advanced asana practices, breaking down; jump through’s, backbends, deep hip openers, inversions and a whole lot more. Commit to a new class every week, go at your own pace, repeat the weeks you love… it’s up to you how you wish to dedicate yourself. See more info in course online below.

Also included in the program are Guided Meditations, Pranayamas, Yoga Nidra (for rest and relaxation) and a special 90 minute Pre-Natal Yoga class for friends looking to experience the benefits that these beautiful and powerful practices have to offer. (I was 37 weeks when I created this class and although it’s designed for pregnancy, it’s also a lovely 90-minute sequence for anyone wishing for a nourishing, juicy, restorative yoga practice).

At the beginning of a brand new year, with lots of unknowns still happening in our outer world, I hope this invitation comes at the perfect time to practice together and to carve out some time and space to immerse yourself in a supportive and dedicated home practice - giving back to ourselves, our bodies and our inner landscape.

Please see a short breakdown and introductory video about the program below.

Week 1: Fundamentals Hatha: Breath and Movement
Week 2: Slow Flow Vinyasa
Week 3: Core & Balance
Week 4: Vinyasa Dynamic Strength & Flow
Week 5: Happy Hips
Week 6: Cleansing & Detoxifying Twists
Week 7: Heart Openers & Backbends
Week 8: Forward Bends
Week 9: Inversions #1 - Shoulder Stand Workshop
Week 10: Inversions #2 - Headstand Workshop
Week 11: Advanced Practice Workshop #1 with guest Ashtanga Teacher, Jacob Silverman
Week 12: Advanced Practice #2 - Dynamic Hip Openers and Handstands with guest Ashtanga Teacher, Jacob Silverman.

Additional Pranayamas & Pre-natal Yoga
Pranayamas 1: Ujjayi
Pranayamas 2: Nadi Shodana
Pranayamas 3: Three-part Breath
Pranayamas 4: Anuloma Viloma
90 Minutes Prenatal

The 12-week program is free and available here. Unlimited access to the course for 24 weeks (So if you really love it, you can do it twice!).

Any questions at all please sing out, I hope to be able to continue to share the practices together, unbound by time and space.

Love and wishes for a beautiful year ahead.